Light House Investment Partners

What We Do

Direct Funding

Funding Solutions
Direct Funding
As a principal financier, our Direct Funding business offers a wide range of innovative capital solutions towards property assets and projects, focussed on main markets in Australia. Our solutions encompass the entire capital stack and are tailored to the unique needs of the transaction.

We offer Senior and Senior Stretch Debt, Subordinated Debt, Preferential Equity and Equity funding solutions.Having a single source of capital from usbrings significant certainty to the transaction and borrower.
Our range of capital solutions includes
A senior debt loan is secured by a first-ranking mortgage over the project and is repaid in priority to equity and any subordinated debt. We provide senior debt for both land acquisition and construction either stand-alone or together with mezzanine debt and/or preferred equity.

We also specialise in providing a “Unitranche” or senior stretch debt solution that is a combination of senior and subordinated debt in one package which is charged at a blended rate and provides a higher LVR than a traditional senior debt facility. By providing a single funding solution the credit and documentation process is streamlined.
Secured by a second-ranking mortgage and is repaid following repayment of the senior debt. The use of mezzanine debt allows a developer to reduce the amount of equity for the project, freeing up capital for use elsewhere.
Preferential Equity is repaid after all secured debt has been repaid but before ordinary equity. Preferred Equity offers an alternative to raising additional equity and has the benefit of having a capped return. Preferred Equity can be a more flexible option for developers as it typically doesn’t involve taking security over the land-owning entity or taking a registered mortgage over the land.
We provide direct JV equity funding towards projects where we have a strong relationship with the Sponsor. Though our equity funding support, Sponsor’s are able to realise speed to market, reduced financial exposure, superior risk management and amplified Return on Equity.
Funding Parameters
Pricing and terms for our direct funding solutions will vary from case to case and take into account multiple criteria, including:
Profile of security property
Best use
Profile Of Sponsor

capability & track record
Financial strength

Strength Of Exit Strategy
Market risk (sales / rental)
Strength of Pre-sales
Re-financing risk
Zoning And Planning Risk
Gearing (Loan To Value Ratio)
Commercial Profile Of Proposed Project
Our Funding Approach
Lighthouse investment Partners adopts a rigorous and thorough approach in undertaking assessments of new funding applications. We have an intimate understanding of how to identify risks and undertake credit appraisals. Our in-house proprietary due diligence and risk management framework is supported by a through set of processes and documentation to ensure that any capital we deploy is via a well informed credit decision.
For Investors: Direct Investments
Lighthouse Investment Partners has a well-established framework for originating investments from external investors and channelling it into property development and/or investment transactions in the form of Subordinated Debt and/or preferred Equity.

We have multiple investment vehicles in-house that can be used for these purposes. Lighthouse Investment Partners acts as the Investment Manager for these investment vehicles.
A key point of difference in investing via Lighthouse Investment Partners is that all investment opportunities represent excellent risk management attributes:
  • Co-investment by Lighthouse Investment Partners

  • Preferred ranking rights for investors

  • Robust due diligence on the underlying security assets / project

  • Strong project feasibility

  • Certainty in end-end project financing (Nil financing risk)

  • Low / mitigated delivery risk

Sample Parameters for Subordinated Debt and Preferential Equity capital placements Click Here
Subordinated Debt Preferential Equity
Investment type
Units in an Investment Trust managed by Lighthouse Investment Partners
Units in an Investment Trust managed by Lighthouse Investment Partners
Registered 2nd Mortgage held by Investment Trust
Unregistered Mortgage held by Investment Trust
Investment Principal (per Investor)
A$300,000 to $2,000,000
A$300,000 to $2,000,000
Investment Term
6 to 24 months
12 to 24 months
Minimum Earn
Typically half of Investment term
Typically half of Investment term
Investor Yield (earned by Investors)
Target yield of 12.00% p.a
Target yield of 16.00% p.a
Establishment Fee (earned by Investors)
1.50% of Investment Principal
1.50% of Investment Principal
Investor Eligibility
Wholesale investors (per Corporations Act)
Wholesale investors (per Corporations Act)
Minimum Investment
A$300,000 per Investment
A$300,000 per Investment
Quarterly interest payments
Quarterly interest payments
At Maturity only
At Maturity only
The above parameters are presented for illustration purposes and actual parameters for a live capital placement may vary as appropriate to the needs of the transaction
Lighthouse Investment Partners invites qualified investors to contact us at to know more about our wide range of investment opportunities.
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